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Rehabs in Long

Rehabs in Long

Long is a Georgia County in the U.S. With the main seat being Ludovici, its creation dates back to August 14, 1920. With an area of approximately 400 square miles, the county is home to 10,304 people. Based on recent estimations, there are 3,574 households, and overall 2,676 families here.

The county’s racial makeup is really diverse with a majority of 68.41% White. Black or African Americans are about 24.25%. Other races constitute smaller groups with 0.73% Native American, 0.25% Pacific Islander, 0.57% Asian, and about 3.91% from other races.

All the spheres of life face measured growth and development. Education and healthcare are on a good level. However, the healthcare sphere faces constant challenges in the face of drug addictions that need prompt handling.

Statistics of Substance Abuse

All states of the US have faced an unprecedented rise in drug addiction cases. Georgia is one of the leaders in this respect. The fatal overdoses in the last two years alone have doubled, leaving the local government and local healthcare system bewildered by the drastic rise. Now the government is seeking solutions to prevent the further increase. The collaboration with Long County rehabs will hopefully bring forth some positive results.

Long County Rehab Programs

The first step in recovery is looking for a reliable center with a caring staff and quality services. After it, clients need to figure out what program is more suitable for their particular case. Surely, this choice is made with the help and guidance of a professional team. Certain factors determine the treatment type, such as addiction severity, history, manifestations, the overall health condition of the person, and some other factors.

The available programs in Long County rehabs are two: inpatient and outpatient. Sometimes, for the patient’s benefit, inpatient and outpatient help can be combined.

One of the best rehabs in the area is the Promise of Hope, offering residential stays, long-term rehab, assessment, and support.

Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabs

The two treatment options differ drastically. Inpatient care is for more severe substance use cases. It is residential and requires 24/7 dedication from the person’s side. There are three main programs – lasting 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively depending on the seriousness of the addiction.

Contrary, outpatient help does not require 100% involvement. It can be easily fitted into the person’s everyday life, still leaving a lot of free time. This option is suitable for people with lighter substance abuse cases. For more severe cases, it might generate no positive results.

Often, when specialists find it useful, they combine inpatient and outpatient treatments if it may be beneficial for the client.


Detoxification is the initial and crucial stage in the recovery process. This is the basis, and if it is not stable enough, further healing might not be successful. Detox should be under the guidance of specialists. Otherwise, patients can put their health in jeopardy.

Very often, if the stage is not completed properly, it may result in relapse. So, what is relapse?

Relapse is when patients go back to using substances either on purpose or by accident. Specialists state that relapse is a natural part of any healing process. However, for patients, this is a bad dream, and it might result in disappointment and no willingness to try further.

Aftercare in Long County Rehabs

Aftercare is a separate service and is not included in the main programs. While many people do not give it enough credit, it is still an important part of the curing process and stabilizes the positive results of the treatment. Neglecting aftercare can mean jeopardizing the achieved good results.

Aftercare is not time-consuming at all and might take only several hours a week. The popular types of aftercare are individual counseling, group therapies, etc.

Addiction Treatment Costs

Costs are varied for different options of medical help. Usually, inpatient care is more costly. A month-lasting program can cost from $15,000 to $20,000. For outpatient services, the cost is considerably lower, starting from $4,000.

Moreover, medications cost a lot of money. Besides, aftercare can also cost a lot.