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Rehabs in Liberty

Rehabs in Liberty

Located in the U.S. Liberty is a county in Georgia. Its main seat is Hinesville. With 603 square miles, the county’s population is over 65,256. There are about 15,138 families, with approximately 19,383 households.

The racial makeup is quite diverse. About 46.64% are White, with 42.84% Black or African American, Asians are 1.76%, also, other races comprise about 10%.

Liberty is known for its good standing in education. The Healthcare sphere is also in constant development, although it is natural that there are still ongoing issues demanding attention and handling. One of the major problems in healthcare remains drug addiction.

Statistics of Substance Abuse

Every year, Georgia registers over 1,300 fatal overdose cases. Unfortunately, over the years the number of overdose cases has increased. Especially in the recent 2-3 years, they have reached their peak. The overall picture throughout the country is not satisfying. In many states, the number has almost doubled. Georgia in its turn is one of the top counties with the highest rates of overdose.

The local government is worried about the growing numbers and takes measures to achieve desirable results. For this, the authorities collaborate with Liberty County rehabs to provide high-quality and accessible services to the residents.

Liberty County Rehab Programs

Residents with substance abuse disorders that are looking for help, should start by finding a reliable treatment center. Liberty in this respect has quality offerings, with a wide range of services available.

After choosing a rehab, the next step is coming up with a treatment plan. The plan usually depends on the patient’s current state, addiction history, and severity of the addiction.

Almost all the states offer identical curing plans, with slight alterations. The minimum duration is 30 days. There are also available 60- and 90-day plans designed for more critical cases.

Generally, the main help types are inpatient and outpatient options, which differ drastically and are tailored for every patient individually.

In Liberty County, one of the best centers standing out for its high-quality services and over 40 years of experience is Recovery Place, Inc.

Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Inpatient and outpatient treatment differ in many respects. They are both for the patient’s welfare and well-being but offer very different plans of support.

Inpatient care is for more serious and long-lasting drug addiction cases. The help is residential, meaning clients stay under constant care and supervision 24/7 for at least a month. This is the shortest treatment period. Sometimes the recovery process might take months, even a year, and more.

In contrast, outpatient support is more suitable for milder addiction cases and is not residential. People undergoing outpatient treatment can still go on with their ordinary lifestyles, making only slight changes to their schedules.

Based on the specialists’ discretion, inpatient and outpatient care can be combined if it plays out well for the patients.

Detox, Aftercare, and Relapse

Talking about substance abuse, we cannot neglect important components of the treatment process such as detox, aftercare, and relapse. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Detox is the initial step in the recovery process and is crucial. The further success largely depends on how the detox will go. Detoxification is also dangerous and should by all means be under a specialist’s supervision. The process itself is an organism cleansing from all the toxins accumulated as a result of substance use.

Aftercare is sometimes overlooked, though it is perhaps one of the most important components of healing. The long and consuming treatment can just go down the drain if patients neglect the importance of aftercare. And this is where we can talk about relapse. Because if the person does not stabilize the obtained results, it can lead to relapse.

Relapse is a bad dream for many patients. Especially those, who have experienced it once, often hesitate to get help. Relapse is when people go back to using drugs either knowingly or accidentally. However, if it happened once, it does not necessarily mean that it will occur again.

Addiction Treatment Costs

Everything in the world has a cost, and sometimes it is high. Yes, the services are costly, and demand a lot of devotion and time dedication. Yet, this is the only way to a healthier lifestyle. The average costs range somewhere between $4,000 and $20,000 depending on the type of service, duration, medications, aftercare choices, etc. This is the estimated amount for a 30-day program. It means that for more serious cases, the amount might be much more.